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1911-1913年上海崇明岛的灯塔老照片 奥古斯都·安东尼摄

时间:2022-10-30 16:55:12    编辑:历史魅影    收集整理:天下老照片网

本组照片来自Anthony· Augustus的收藏,出自布里斯托大学图书馆。Anthony· Augustus(奥古斯都·安东尼)于1911年到1913年在中国海事海关工作。




Shipping involved in lighthouse(灯塔) construction(施工)

Lighthouse constuction workers

Lighhouse construction workers and rowing boat

Lighthouse construction workers by cliff

Chapel Island and lighthouse, near Amoy  厦门附近的灯塔

Man on rocks below Shaweishan Lighthouse, Tsungming Island  (上海·崇明岛·三尾山)

Shaweishan Lighthouse construction workers having a meal, Tsungming Island

Shaweishan Lighthouse construction workers having a meal, Tsungming Island

Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island, Yangtze Estuary (长江口·崇明岛·三尾山灯塔)

Unloading materials for lighthouse construction

sanweishan Light, Tsungming Island, Yangtze Estuary

Shaweishan Light and sheds, Tsungming Island

Building work beside Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island

Man by door to Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island

Lighthouse construction workers

Two men on a rocky outcrop

Two men on a rocky outcrop

Shaweishan Light, Tsungming Island, Yangtze Estuary

Workers moving and stacking bricks

Workers moving and stacking bricks 工人搬运堆放砖石

Man wearing waterproof clothing, during construction works 施工期间穿着防水服的男子

View over Hong Kong  香港远眺图




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